Irondale Christmas Parade Scheduled For Dec. 12th

The Greater Irondale Chamber of Commerce is again pleased to present, on behalf of the City of Irondale, the 2015 Irondale Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting Ceremony on Saturday, December 12, 2015, at 11:00 AM.

Line-up is promptly at 10:00 AM at Irondale Community School.  The route is the same as last year (see map to the right).

After the parade makes its way through the residential streets of downtown Irondale, it ends in front of City Hall, where we’ll have the Tree Lighting Ceremony at approximately 11:30 AM.

At the end of the parade route, enjoy choral music and SNOW!  The Exchange Club of Irondale will provide cookies and hot chocolate.

There is NO entry fee.  Those interested in entering the parade should complete this application and turn it in to the Chamber by Thursday, December 10 (instructions on the form).