Get your Breakfast and Lunch from the Exchange ClubåÊthis Saturday
This Saturday, October 11th at theåÊ
Irondale Senior Center, the
åÊExchange Club of IrondaleåÊwill serve breakfast (8:00-11:00 AM) and lunch (11:00-1:00 PM)åÊ
as a fund raiser.åÊ All proceeds go toward Exchange Club projects in the ity of Irondale.Tickets are $6.99 per meal. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, fruit, juice, and coffee.åÊ Lunch will be hot dogs, chips, baked beans, and a drink.
You can purchase tickets in advance from any Exchange Club member or just pay at the door.åÊ For more information,åÊemail John SchoenåÊor call(205) 956-5875.