Revenue Department

101 20th Street South

Irondale, AL 35210

Monday - Thursday

7am - 5pm

Mission Statement

The City of Irondale Revenue Division’s mission is to fairly and impartially apply all laws and regulations dealing with collection of various taxes and fees due to the city. We will provide complete, accurate and timely information and services to the businesses and taxpayers.


Business License Applications:

The license year is based on a calendar year — January 1st through December 31st. ALL Licenses expire December 31st of each year, unless specified otherwise in the most current City of Irondale ordinance governing Business Licenses.

All licenses must be renewed before February 1st to avoid delinquent penalties. Courtesy renewal notices will be mailed to each license business on file on or about December 15th of each year. Business licenses must be renewed for the calendar year if still in business in the city on January 1st.

Applications for new business license are taken daily between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 p.m. at the Administration Department, City Hall 101 South 20th Street, Irondale, AL 35210.

Automobile Tag Renewals:

Irondale citizens can now renew their automobile tags at the Irondale Revenue Department.  Tag renewals are processed daily during normal business hours between 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M, Monday – Thursday.

For further assistance please contact the Revenue Department at:

Office Phone Number: (205) 956-9200 Select Option 1
Fax Number: (205) 951-1425