Jason Wiggins, Police Chief

Address: 101 20th Street, South, Irondale, Alabama 35210
Email:  jwiggins@irondalepolice.org
Office Number: 205-956-5990

In September 2020, the City of Irondale appointed Jason Wiggins Chief of Police.  Chief Wiggins has served with the Irondale Police Department for over 32 years.  He previously served as Lieutenant over Operations(Patrol/Investigations).  He also served in many other capacities within the Irondale Police Department over the years.  He was a founding member and Commander of the Irondale Police Tactical Unit.  He served in Investigations, Patrol and taught D.A.R.E.  He coached a Police sponsored baseball team for two years at Irondale Youth Baseball on Ruffner Road.  He has also served two stints as the Interim Chief in the past six years. 


Chief Wiggins has always worked hard to build relationships within the community through community policing and building trust with outreach to businesses and residents.  Reaching out to the youth has also been important to Chief Wiggins, coaching the D.A.R.E. baseball team, participating in youth basketball tournaments, as well as other events in the community. 


Chief Wiggins is a 1990 graduate of UAB, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice.  He has two daughters and three grandchildren.