City of Irondale Launches New YouTube Channel

The City of Irondale has recently launched a new YouTube Channel named the “City of Irondale Media Channel.”  According to Darryl Washington, City of Irondale’s – Online Content Manager, “The purpose of establishing a City of Irondale YouTube Channel is to provide informative and easily accessible video content to Irondale citizens and key stakeholders.”

The City of Irondale’s YouTube channel will provide Irondale citizens with easy access to videos of; Irondale City Council meetings, Irondale City Council work sessions, city events and instructional videos.

Special thanks to Irondale resident, Ron Bishop for graciously agreeing to record video footage of Irondale City Council meetings and assisting with setting up the new YouTube channel. He is working on uploading previously recorded city council meetings to the site shortly.

Please click below to view the video of Mayor Charles Moore’s first ever Irondale Town Hall meeting. A YouTube button will also be added to the city’s website for quick access: