Changes to the Garbage Ordinance

MEMO to all Irondale Residents

We have exciting news about a new and improved Garbage Service! Please see below for details of the changes.

Changes to Garbage Service

  • If you are currently signed up for Garbage Service and you are current on payment you will receive one 96 gallon container for use at your Irondale residence at no charge to you
  • Containers will be delivered beginning March 9th and delivery should be complete by March 21st
  • Each can has a serial number and it will be assigned to your home address
  • All containers are property of the City of Irondale, but you are responsible for the container and should it be damaged, lost or stolen you will be responsible for replacement through the Irondale Sanitation Department
  • If your garbage bill is not paid or your container is consistently left on the street outside of allowed times it will be picked up by the city and you will have to call Irondale sanitation at 205-951-1410 to rectify the issue and restore service
  • If you have not received a container by March 22nd please call Irondale Sanitation at 205-951-1410
  • Once the containers have been delivered you must use your city issued container, no other container will be serviced


Important items that remain the same

  • Every household in the City of Irondale is required to use the Garbage Service provided by Irondale Sanitation Department
  • All garbage must still be bagged and placed in the container
  • Only garbage in the approved (city issued) container will be collected
  • Your pick-up date will remain the same
  • Garbage containers must be stored so that they are not visible from the road
  • Garbage containers must be removed from the street within 24 hours after pick-up
  • These services will be provided at the current monthly rate of payment
  • Garbage must be put out by 6:30am on scheduled collection date to assure pick up

These changes have been made to improve both efficiency and our service to each of you! All questions should be directed to the Irondale Sanitation Department at 205-951-1410 or through the contact us section of

  • City of Irondale, Public Works